Well it has been an age since my last post, and while I could spout a litany of reasons why - perhaps it's best just to say that I'm back and leave it at that. In my time away, so many things have happened - my wife and I have started another round of IVF (and if anyone wants to chat about what it's like to go through that, then let me know - this is the second time around for us), I've started studying aikido and am enjoying it thoroughly, if not painfully (and for those that aren't sure what aikido is, then perhaps the quickest way of giving you a point of reference is saying that it's what Steven Seagal does *sigh*). A hugely challenging martial art - obtaining shodan (or black belt) will be my challenge for the next few years.
Oh, and I've been painting! Here's a unit of Dark Avengers (including Exarch) done in relatively the same scheme as my recent test Howling Banshee. See below for face off between the Exarch and a friend's Space Marine of the Salamander Chapter - he asked me to point out that it wasn't quite finished....
Until next time, folks.