Everyone slides through Sigil sooner or later. But plenty of cutters call the Cage home, and it's their shops, trades, and peels that keep the jink flowing - and the bone-boxes flapping. A body's got to know who sells bogus goods, and who'll scrag him (or worse) just for the fun of it. 'Course, the trick is telling friend from foe. In Sigil, a fiery fiend ain't always a serpent, and a shining celestial ain't always a lamb.


Druichii - Part 3

Well it's been a while, but yet I endeavour on. Since my last modelling post, a plethora of new codecies, army books and models to absorb - the Dark Elves amongst them

I'm quite impressed with the new book - it goes very deep into the history of the Sundering and other periods of lore. More importantly, it gives the Dark Elves' cruelty a bit more believability - yes, they are mostly that way because of their Lord's influence and the loss of their home...but what I found a refreshing change was the emphasis on their new home. They are the way they are because anything else meant a quick death to some beastie or a frozen sleep in the wilds...

It's about as close to empathy as you can get.

Oh, did I mention the new models are fantastic? In particular the corsairs and the cold one knights; one of which I present to you in progress.

Hmm..I'm sure there's other vital items of portent to impart on you, the reader in the time between posts. Oh, yes - I'm going to be a Father!

EDIT: Now with a brighter picture: