Everyone slides through Sigil sooner or later. But plenty of cutters call the Cage home, and it's their shops, trades, and peels that keep the jink flowing - and the bone-boxes flapping. A body's got to know who sells bogus goods, and who'll scrag him (or worse) just for the fun of it. 'Course, the trick is telling friend from foe. In Sigil, a fiery fiend ain't always a serpent, and a shining celestial ain't always a lamb.


Land of the Rising Sun - Part 3

Something that I forgot to post in my previous entry, but is so iconic that it really does deserve its own spot.

The above picture must be familiar to most - if not all - readers out there. What many people may not know is that this carving of the three wise monkies is part of a series of engravings on a structure located at the resting place of Tokugawa Ieyasu (as noted in my previous entry).
Given that Ieyasu passed away sometime in the 1600's, means that these little troublemakers have been around for quite some time!

There was little English information near where this was taken and my Japanese is not good enough to decipher the entries that were noted - I'll look into the relation between the monkies and the Shogun when I get a chance - but I bet a friend of mine out there will come up with the goods before I next post.

On a completely different note, I have been using this holiday to work on various aspects of my ongoing endeavours for my novel.

I have some names now that I am happy with for some of the major characters - see what you think:

Malthius, Kharas, Talia, Yutenji, Jun, X'ian...

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