Everyone slides through Sigil sooner or later. But plenty of cutters call the Cage home, and it's their shops, trades, and peels that keep the jink flowing - and the bone-boxes flapping. A body's got to know who sells bogus goods, and who'll scrag him (or worse) just for the fun of it. 'Course, the trick is telling friend from foe. In Sigil, a fiery fiend ain't always a serpent, and a shining celestial ain't always a lamb.


Druchii - Part 4

I find this hobby frustrating sometimes. Or I'm just going mad.

Had I been born 20 years later, perhaps I would have been diagnosed with a peculiar form of hobby related attention deficit disorder. For the last few weeks I've suffered through a long period of self doubt and indecision over the colour schemes I'm trying out with my Dark Elves.

I just couldn't seem to settle on something that I liked, felt comfortable painting, and fit my image of what the Dark Elves are. Eventually (or perhaps inevitably), I've come full circle to the green based scheme I started with.

Gobsmasha reckons it's a natural part of the hobbying process, and I suspect he's right (although he never seems to go through this like me). In any event, I'm much more comfortable with where I'm at with the Druichii at the moment.

I'm currently working on a group of crossbow wielding warriors which I should hopefully post soon. In the meantime, here's a Druichii corsair I prepared earlier. Oooh, an elfy pirate -YAARRRR!!!


Druichii - Part 3

Well it's been a while, but yet I endeavour on. Since my last modelling post, a plethora of new codecies, army books and models to absorb - the Dark Elves amongst them

I'm quite impressed with the new book - it goes very deep into the history of the Sundering and other periods of lore. More importantly, it gives the Dark Elves' cruelty a bit more believability - yes, they are mostly that way because of their Lord's influence and the loss of their home...but what I found a refreshing change was the emphasis on their new home. They are the way they are because anything else meant a quick death to some beastie or a frozen sleep in the wilds...

It's about as close to empathy as you can get.

Oh, did I mention the new models are fantastic? In particular the corsairs and the cold one knights; one of which I present to you in progress.

Hmm..I'm sure there's other vital items of portent to impart on you, the reader in the time between posts. Oh, yes - I'm going to be a Father!

EDIT: Now with a brighter picture:


Cold Turkey

Well it's done.
Account cancelled, game uninstalled and web pages deleted. No more for me. Time to pack my bags and leave Azeroth for good.
Hey, don't take it badly, Blizzard - we had some fun times together. The early levelling, the first timid steps into the Deadmines - the storming of the Stockades. Enchanting my first bracer. All fond memories.
Such a temptress you were - teasing me with your promises of super loot and powers on my way to level 70. Playing hard to get at level 60 only to hook me again with the goodness that were the early quest rewards in the Outlands. Our relationship was a sure thing, wasn't it?
But then you started making demands. Started getting needy. Daily quests and grinding started to take the shine off our relationship. Fighting for reputation with people I hardly knew just so that I could get gear to keep up with the Joneses. Changing the rules my poor little Shaman Kaminari lived by on a regular basis so that her little Draeni head span (and just how the hell do you pronounce 'Draeni' anyway?).
So now it's done, and I'm walking away.
Until Starcraft II at least, when you know I'll be your bitch again. *sigh*
PS: In all seriousness - no more PC games for me that I can't pause or save or otherwise get up and walk away from. Better things to do.


Eldar - Part 4 (To Avenge Direly.....)

Well it has been an age since my last post, and while I could spout a litany of reasons why - perhaps it's best just to say that I'm back and leave it at that. In my time away, so many things have happened - my wife and I have started another round of IVF (and if anyone wants to chat about what it's like to go through that, then let me know - this is the second time around for us), I've started studying aikido and am enjoying it thoroughly, if not painfully (and for those that aren't sure what aikido is, then perhaps the quickest way of giving you a point of reference is saying that it's what Steven Seagal does *sigh*). A hugely challenging martial art - obtaining shodan (or black belt) will be my challenge for the next few years.

Oh, and I've been painting! Here's a unit of Dark Avengers (including Exarch) done in relatively the same scheme as my recent test Howling Banshee. See below for face off between the Exarch and a friend's Space Marine of the Salamander Chapter - he asked me to point out that it wasn't quite finished....

Until next time, folks.