Everyone slides through Sigil sooner or later. But plenty of cutters call the Cage home, and it's their shops, trades, and peels that keep the jink flowing - and the bone-boxes flapping. A body's got to know who sells bogus goods, and who'll scrag him (or worse) just for the fun of it. 'Course, the trick is telling friend from foe. In Sigil, a fiery fiend ain't always a serpent, and a shining celestial ain't always a lamb.


Druchii - Part 4

I find this hobby frustrating sometimes. Or I'm just going mad.

Had I been born 20 years later, perhaps I would have been diagnosed with a peculiar form of hobby related attention deficit disorder. For the last few weeks I've suffered through a long period of self doubt and indecision over the colour schemes I'm trying out with my Dark Elves.

I just couldn't seem to settle on something that I liked, felt comfortable painting, and fit my image of what the Dark Elves are. Eventually (or perhaps inevitably), I've come full circle to the green based scheme I started with.

Gobsmasha reckons it's a natural part of the hobbying process, and I suspect he's right (although he never seems to go through this like me). In any event, I'm much more comfortable with where I'm at with the Druichii at the moment.

I'm currently working on a group of crossbow wielding warriors which I should hopefully post soon. In the meantime, here's a Druichii corsair I prepared earlier. Oooh, an elfy pirate -YAARRRR!!!

1 comment:

Gobsmasha said...

Looks fantastic.
Dark green is definitely the colour for these guys.
All the elements are there for the paint scheme. Just go forth and perfect it.

Was looking at concept art for LOTR the other night and noticed they'd done a lot of different colour studies for Minas Morgul, which is dark elfy in atmosphere. The standout by far and the one they went with was the green one.
It just works.
Cold, eerie, evil.