Everyone slides through Sigil sooner or later. But plenty of cutters call the Cage home, and it's their shops, trades, and peels that keep the jink flowing - and the bone-boxes flapping. A body's got to know who sells bogus goods, and who'll scrag him (or worse) just for the fun of it. 'Course, the trick is telling friend from foe. In Sigil, a fiery fiend ain't always a serpent, and a shining celestial ain't always a lamb.


Druchii - Part 6

In a masterful show of understatement - let me simply say "It's been some time."

Having said that, my thoughts have often returned to hobby when not dealing with work or child rearing. In addition to the variants of Warhammer, I've been knee deep in exploring Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition which, despite some intital scorn, has grown on me. More of this latter.

The Dark Elves have circled my thoughts often, with ideas (both consistent and contrary) popping in and out at whim.

Here, then, is proof of concept of something that I've been toying with in my mind for some time - a converted harpy:

The original harpy models are quite old and not very dynamic - not to mention ugly. This conversion uses the body of the new Slaaneshii daemonettes with the wings of the recent tyranid gargoyle models.

The conversion was one of the simplest I have ever attempted, and in my own opinion one of the most effective. The only work required is a small trim to the bottom portion of the wings, as the original sculpt has the membrane running down the length of the gargoyle body at the bottom of which is another tyranid claw. This doesn't work with the daemonettes who have a different shape completely.

I'd originally balked at the price of taking on this coversion - just under $90 for a box of daemonettes and gargoyles is pretty heft for 10 models (or five for a minimum unit), but ease of the conversion and how good it looks has sold me (and I'll certainly find a use for the left over parts).

I can't wait to paint this model - it has really revived my excitement in the hobby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you back writing mate, hope the family is well. I'm liking 4th ed, especially the "inherant bonuses" option (DMGII) that really does away with the "requirement" for magic items. I'm also looking into some of the 40K rpgs, especially Dark Heresy.

- Naylor