TA - DAAAA!My last post might have been a little bit premature. There was one last colour scheme that I needed to get out of my system before going full steam ahead. For those that know their Warcraft lore, I was basing it on the look of Arthas after he starts wielding 'Frostmourne'. I'd thought at the time that this might make a good scheme for the Druchii as the themes of ice and evil fit nicely. I ended up thinking it looks not quite sinister enough in this context, but it's still I scheme I might use for something else - perhaps for Necron lords? For a change, I've painted a Blackguard, but this is only a test model - my actual unit will all be of the helmeted variety.

So after that, I went back and re-did the model in my original 'Slytherin' scheme and I think this just works better for being a little more sinister. Most green schemes tend to incorporate yellow/gold into the designs, and while I understand the colour thoery behind it, it's something that I have been trying to steer clear of. It took me a while to figure out why - but I do believe it's the idea of looking like an Australian sports team that was doing it.
So instead, I've toyed with the idea of using an additional cream colour for trim, thinking that perhaps these Druchii have a thing for scrimshawing their armour with the bones of their enemies/victims. I've tried that on a couple of models, but in the amount that I was doing it per model, it started to make them a little 'feral'. It's still a concept I'm going to use (particularly on my shades - as they
are feral), but just with the approach of 'less is more'. So rather, I've done the trim in a brighter silver colour which I think works as it keeps the model looking cruelly elegant.

So with nothing further ado, it's time to start painting. I do believe I'll set up a project log over at
Warseer and see what that sort of feedback generates.