I must have painted these 'Revenant' class Eldar scout titans nearly fifteen years ago now...
I love these guys - not only are they a reminder of my happy Uni days, where work and responsibility was a far away thought, but they also triumphed in one of my most memorable (and literally 'epic') games of Epic..
During an all night multiplayer game, these two little lithe predators managed to take down a massive chaos warlord class titan all by themselves - seems the heretic machine spirit couldn't deal with our ability to leap elegantly from spot to spot and very soon had outmanouvered and outflanked it, stripped it's void shields and dismembered it.
A joyous day indeed for the Eldar..
They don't make them like this anymore - the below is what the Revenant look like now:

1 comment:
Handsome models.
They look like current war walkers, which I love (I do like my war machines to look more like machines than giant infantry).
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