Everyone slides through Sigil sooner or later. But plenty of cutters call the Cage home, and it's their shops, trades, and peels that keep the jink flowing - and the bone-boxes flapping. A body's got to know who sells bogus goods, and who'll scrag him (or worse) just for the fun of it. 'Course, the trick is telling friend from foe. In Sigil, a fiery fiend ain't always a serpent, and a shining celestial ain't always a lamb.


Druchii - Part 1

Here's some pictures of my WHFB Dark Elf army. These models are still works in progress (as are pretty much all my models *sigh*). I took these photos with my digital camera just using white paper as a background. Damn the flash is a harsh mistress, yet without it not much can be seen. It took me a long time to find a colour scheme that I was happy with for these guys - I didn't want to use the standard purple colouring that you often see, nor did I want it to look too cartoon like - I think I've found a happy medium here.

Some Druchii warriors:

Crew members for my bolt thrower:

Note to self: must get better light when I try this again.


Magpie said...

These are very impressive.
When you get around to doing some mounted on cold ones, what colours do you have in mind for the beasties?.
Somehow a dark and nasty red-brown comes to mind as being a good contrast.

Sigil said...

Hmm no, red wasn't what I had in mind - more a bluey grey. Cold colours for cold ones...