Here's some pictures of my WHFB Dark Elf army. These models are still works in progress (as are pretty much all my models *sigh*). I took these photos with my digital camera just using white paper as a background. Damn the flash is a harsh mistress, yet without it not much can be seen. It took me a long time to find a colour scheme that I was happy with for these guys - I didn't want to use the standard purple colouring that you often see, nor did I want it to look too cartoon like - I think I've found a happy medium here.
Some Druchii warriors:

Crew members for my bolt thrower:

Note to self: must get better light when I try this again.
These are very impressive.
When you get around to doing some mounted on cold ones, what colours do you have in mind for the beasties?.
Somehow a dark and nasty red-brown comes to mind as being a good contrast.
Hmm no, red wasn't what I had in mind - more a bluey grey. Cold colours for cold ones...
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