So I've posted a bit, and set up a few things and now I've had a little time to reflect on why I'm doing all this. Those of you that know me in the real world know that I work in an industry that is thoroughly devoid of imagination - and imagination is something that I cherish.
I've often thought over the years what is the one thing that I really wish to achieve as an individual before I pass onto the next stage of being. The one constant answer that I give myself is that above all other things, I want to write a book. I love books, I love reading and it seems suprising now that after all this time I've never considered it as something to take seriously.
But being a realist, I've always tempered this desire with the knowledge that I have materialistic needs that need to be met in the short term, including a wife and hopefully (hopefully!) a couple of children (and won't that topic be an entry all by itself).
So, then. This site is the first step in most likely a long road of achieving that goal.
The one constant piece of advice I have heard given to budding writers goes something along the lines of:
"Stop bloody talking about it, and get out there and do it. WRITE!".
And that, dear reader, is exactly what I intend to do.
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