'Warhammer 40k' started as a spin off from the fantasy world that had already been created by Games Workshop in the mid eighties. The 40k universe really is its own being now - and a major part of that mythos is the space marine. An army that I initially shied away from for various reasons (they were too 'common', a friend was painting them, etc etc), they have over time called to me to the point where I have started (albeit slowly) a force of Iron Hands.
This 'chapter' of space marines is one of the founding legions - one of the original armies of space marines that were created by the Emperor. When painting space marines, I specifically wanted to paint an army that already existed in the mythos (unlike my Eldar craftworld which is a work of my own) so that I would have something to remain consistent to.
The Iron Hands despise weakness - to the point where they encourage the replacement of human body parts with robotic equivelants.
I'm very much looking forward to tackling some terminator armoured marines and perhaps even a massive dreadnought.
I like the shoulderpads- did you freehand pain the "fist" on them?
Thanks for the comment, though I can't claim any real skill here - the shoulder pads are actually specific Iron Hand pieces that Games Workshop produced. They are no longer available in Australia, though they can be ordered via their online website in the UK.
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